Impact of Parallel Computing on Study of Time Evolution of a Quantum Impurity System in Response to a Quench

In an arbitrary system subjected to a quench or an external field that varies the system parameters, the degrees of freedom increase double in comparison to that of an isolated system. In this study, we consider the quantum impurity system subjected to a quench, and measure the corresponding time-ev...

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Tác giả chính: Nghiem Thi Minh, Hoa, Dang The Hung, Luong Minh Tuan, Duong Xuan, Nui, Nguyen Duc Trung, Kien
Định dạng: Bài Báo
Ngôn ngữ:English
Nhà xuất bản: Đại học Quốc gia Việt Nam 2020
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