Turbo Detection Aided Autoencoder for Multi-Carrier Wireless Systems: Integrating Deep Learning into Channel Coded Systems

A variety of deep learning schemes have endeavoured to integrate deep neural networks (DNNs) into channel coded systems by jointly designing DNN and the channel coding scheme in specific channels. However, this leads to limitations concerning the choice of both the channel coding scheme and the chan...

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Hiển thị chi tiết
Tác giả chính: Chao, Xu, Thien, Van Luong, Luping, Xiang, Shinya, Sugiura, Robert, G. Maunder, Lie-Liang, Yang, Lajos, Hanzo
Định dạng: Bài trích
Ngôn ngữ:English
Nhà xuất bản: IEEE 2022
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Truy cập trực tuyến:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9759489/keywords#keywords
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